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  • 5 years ago
    Projared: "Why does anyone play this? Who in their right mind would even bother playing it this much? What idiot puts a bunch of time into this broken mess of game?"
    (Clicks "Play" button)
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  • 5 years ago
    Kudos to this game for inventing a new hipster multiplayer mode called Battle Royale. I'm sure it's gotta be better than Fortnite, but god, I don't understand the appeal of this. Back in the days, I just had to play Goldeneye and Counter-Strike. Now all the new kids are into Royale. With Cheese.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … PUBG didn't actually invent the genre, it was popular for years before on Twitch. It's part of why we're seeing so many Battle Royale games at once--those take too long to develop for them to be snappy PUBG ripoffs! ArmA III Battle Royale, ArmA II Battle Royale, DayZ Battle Royale, Rust Battle Royale, H1Z1 Battle Royale, The Culling, and Minecraft Hunger Games all pre-date PUBG by quite a long time, too. What PUBG did was unite most of the splintered battle royale communities. H1Z1's still held a bit after PUBG started up, but just about everything else went dead.
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … To be honest, I wasn't really keeping track of the history of Royale, but I guess it slowly gained popularity over the years. And I guess Fortnite is the cheap version. I wasn't exactly living under a rock--but I guess I was in denial. Just like a couple other people.
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … I still wonder if the Battlefield or Call of Duty community would even accept Royale. Those people also play on big maps, but Battlefield always has a convenient respawn point. Just the idea of waiting 20 minutes for another round makes them sick.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I've never seen people stick around after losing a round of battle royale, unless they're playing in a team. Usually losing means quickly entering another battle. Does Fortnite or PUBG discourage that or something? That'd have to be unpopular.
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … Well, the game just lets people watch the end if they want. Battlefield servers are dependent on players who stick around, though. So the structure isn't suited to the new Royale format. The best that the devs could do is to set up separate servers for Royale. And that's not gonna go well unless Royale is extremely popular.
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … I remember when DICE started Gun Master mode. It was one of the best additions, even if the Russia vs U.S. team setup ruined the competition for individuals to compete. And that mode lost popularity over the years. So I have no clue whether DICE can make Royale work effectively. The series generally doesn't make changes unless it generates a profit for the devs and EA, so poo.
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  • 6 years ago
    You can tell I never play multiplayer by my thinking of this game in my head as "the new Goldeneye".
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … I like the way the world shrinks. That's a cool idea. I wouldn't have thought of it.
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Game Info

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Created 2017-03-05 06:27 pm
Page creator Husky Wing
Views 490
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