Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.2 Great
Rated by 10 people
  • Explojin wrote his opinion about Platoon
    5 years ago
    The Vietnam War is very interesting. Recently I read some Nat Geo articles on the war when it was happening and then listened to interviews from veterans of the war and there is such a juxtaposition between the two. America had no business being there and a lot of people lost their lives for it. The movie itself was interesting, I felt like it was overacted in parts but did a good job at showing the very tense conditions these guys faced. It also showed a bit of the moral and ethical issues that occurred but I think did a good job at humanizing most of the characters so as not to throw them on one side or the other. I'd be interested to see a movie made from the Vietnamese point of view.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … Personally I've always felt this and Born on the Fourth of July felt quite humanly authentic, probably due to Stone actually serving. Can't say I remember Platoon being overacted though it has been quite a few years since I've it. By comparison something like the Deer Hunter feels a lot more cartoonish.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … Platoon's biggest sin has to be making every filmmaker want to use Adagio for Strings in their movie. That shit needs to die, stat. It's right up there with Lux Aeterna in terms of being impossible to take seriously.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Adagio in/for anything is overused as heck
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    • Explojin
      Editing … I looked up a list of movies that use it and most were things I hadn't seen so I guess that's why it wasn't an issue for me. It was also my first Oliver Stone movie, I"ll have to check out some more of his stuff.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … I don't fault Platoon for doing it since it was one of the first films to prominently feature it, and it was the first use of it I saw 20 years ago. But it's been used for satirical purposes in shows like Red Dwarf and Seinfeld over the decades, and then a few weeks ago Outlander uses it with total sincerity and it's just laughable. The Mighty Rio Grande is getting to that point now. Like it worked well in Moneyball and Room, and then some shitty TV show like Lethal Weapon uses it to artificially inject some gratuitous pathos into their forgettable reboot.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … The Walking Dead used Adagio in D Minor twice... I remember it making me cringe.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … Haha, and it was practically back to back. I don't mind that one so much since I've mostly only heard it in promos. I suppose the same could be said for Lux Aeterna, but I think the difference there is it's been used heavily for parody purposes.
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Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2013-08-04 05:45 pm
Page creator Sandvich
Views 844
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