Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.1 Great
Rated by 8 people
  • 9 years ago
    Nice shout out to #Papo & Yo at the end of the new Tropes vs Women in Video games video:

    Papo & Yo "respectfully deals with the very serious issue of alcoholism and domestic violence against children."
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  • CheddarBBQ wrote his opinion about Papo & Yo
    10 years ago
    Papo & Yo might not be the most greatest visually (though at times it does look pretty incredible), it's definitely one of the most important games I've ever played. The basic gameplay and puzzles aren't anything shockingly new, but the surrealistic way it's all presented makes the game stand out amongst typical puzzle platformers. It's not going to revolutionize gameplay or graphics but it is one of the best uses of story and creativity in gaming history. It is perhaps the best example of art in games not made by thatgamingcompany. It is a game that ultimately NEEDS to be played.
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  • Pudding wrote his opinion about Papo & Yo
    10 years ago
    Papo & Yo is a curious title. On one hand, if you look at it from the ''gamey'' point of view, it's mediocre. That's not to say it's unimaginative. Far from it! But the lack of polish and depth really hurt it. Almost feels like a prototype version. But, on the other hand, if you don't look at it as solely a game, it's extraordinary. Vander Caballero deserves massive respect for how he decided to confront the demons from his past.
    Pros: It takes guts to do this, frequent sense of awe, artistic part (music and art design) of the game is fantastic, loads of clever ideas
    Cons: Lacks polish in all technical and some creative areas, gameplay might be too simplistic for some, the relations in the game could have been deepened,voice acting
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Game Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 1,080
  • Gameplay Footage
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