Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.3 Great
Rated by 6 people
  • MasterCrash wrote his opinion about Night of the Living Dead
    9 years ago
    Another classic, and one that I, being a zombie fan, was really eager to watch, sadly, it doesn't have that many zombies.
    Most of the movie is just people in the house talking. Now, I know there's nothing wrong with plot in my horror movie, but I was expecting a bit more. It's really slow at parts and can get a bit boring, but if you can get pass that you'll have some pretty good and intense scenes. I must say the last 20 minutes of the movie are worth watching.
    That end tho... that end.
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    • Erektionsite
      Editing … That fucking end, man.. *sits down in a chair to catch my breath* That end...
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … I kinda saw it coming, though, I must say
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I got it from the supermarket in a bargain bin for a couple of quid, I can't even buy a beer for that!
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Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2013-12-18 08:40 am
Page creator Bioshock PAL
Views 601
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