Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.2 Great
Rated by 26 people
  • 3 years ago
    Too hard. Like pretty much all Metroid games. What is so difficult to implement a difficulty setting?! Just taking half the damage and giving double damage to enemies would have done the trick and would have made this a much more enjoyable game.
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  • Alyxx Thorne wrote her opinion about Metroid Fusion
    10 years ago
    In terms of atmosphere, gameplay, music, story and all around presentation, Metroid Fusion will always be my favourite of the franchise.
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  • In likeflynn wrote his opinion about Metroid Fusion
    10 years ago
    Fusion came around the same time has Prime, this games made the grand return of the Metroid franchise. The story is ok, but the twists are WAAAAAAAYYYYYY to obvious, I saw them coming all along, too bad, because I thought it got good halfway through; gameplay is classic 2D shooter and exploration just like Super Metroid, but the punishing difficulty made it less fun and more irritating. I understand the people that like this game, it's good fun; but is no where near has good or revolutionary has Prime was.
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  • Big Boss wrote his opinion about Metroid Fusion
    10 years ago
    It looks like Super Metroid in a lot of ways but it differs from most games in the series by being a more linear, story-driven experience than the usual exploration-based style of gameplay. For some that makes a weaker Metroid game but I prefer it this way myself. Great graphics, fairly tough difficulty, all around a great game.
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  • Leo Barbosa wrote his opinion about Metroid Fusion
    10 years ago
    I've heard a lot about this game. Some people said this game was too easy that it can't be considered a Metroid, another ones said it is as good as Super Metroid. Well, I played it and I have to say: This game is awesome. Metroid Fusion is completely linear, but you still have some exploration to find some itens or the path to the target place, I don't have nothing against this, because this doesn't kill the experience as a lot of people say. The only (and the main) problem with this game is its length, good gamers can finish it in 2h or less, I can finish it in 40 minutes, for a Metroid game everybody always expect 8 hours of gameplay. But hey, still an awesome game, so let's play this!
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Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 1,754
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