• Wrl6199 wrote his opinion about Lulu
    9 years ago
    Tetsuya Nomura is notorious for what you might call "over-accessorizing" his characters. Straps and buckles and chains and other dangly bits are his trademarks, occasionally to the point (as in Kingdom Hearts 2) of something approaching self-parody. Lulu, though, is just over-accessorized enough. This is a contradiction in terms, but never mind – with her floor-length skirt, elaborately-pinned hair, and collection of super-cute mascot dolls, Final Fantasy X's Black Mage just might be the coolest character Nomura's ever drawn for the series.

    Looks aren't everything, though, and the game's script gave her a personality to perfectly match her style. Her calm, soft-spoken delivery made Lulu a beautifully menacing presence – she never had to raise her voice to prove that she meant business.
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  • Bobo wrote his opinion about Lulu
    9 years ago
    Lulu......very enigmatic, yeah. But I like her for this aspect of her personality.
    Even if she seems a suspicious person at a first impact, she is a very warm character and a valid battlemate. I appreciate her also for her magic power.
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Alternative Names

Lulu d E
ルールー o J

Page Info

Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 1,028
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