Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.8 Great
Rated by 2 people
  • 10 years ago
    So should I try out 'Lost in Shadow' if I enjoyed 'ICO' ?
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    • WoodrowShigeru
      Editing … I wouldn't say "you should" but rather "you could". If you're gonna come in with a "you should" mentality, you'll probably be disappointed. It doesn't come close to ICO as a whole, I think it's the narrative that's lacking, but it reminded me a lot of ICO in terms of atmosphere. I think, in regards to gameplay, this can be compared to Limbo. … Independent on ICO, it's a good 2D platformer and I enjoyed playing it.
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  • WoodrowShigeru wrote his opinion about Lost in Shadow
    10 years ago
    Lost In Shadow is a puzzle platformer, mostly 2D, where – with its strong usage of shadow gameplay, the abandoned castle backdrop and a feeling of isolation – the inspiration by ICO cannot be denied. However, there is more to it.

    The music is eerie, but fitting – even though it makes the game a hard recommendation for 6-yr old kids (seriously, what where they thinking?) (oO' ) Also, if you want this game to be fun rather than challenging then I strongly advise you to swallow your pride and choose the "Easy" difficulty. Otherwise, there's nothing wrong with challenging either.

    Apart from that, the game looks a bit LastGen solely due to the lack of anti-aliasing; at times the decorative foreground is blocking the view; and interacting with levers and boxes is a bit troublesome in terms of controls.

    But I still like the game nonetheless.
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Alternative Names

A Shadow's Tale

Game Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 564
  • Gameplay Footage
Listed in, list of Lists as cards
Wide-tile list of VG-level Pages.
Wide-tile list of character Pages.
Simple text.