Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.8 Great
Rated by 3 people
  • 9 years ago
    Ok, judging by the demo, this game will be a blast to play, but boring to look at. The platforming (played as Oddsock) is really fun, the level design is tight, but visually (if one can judge a game solely based on one level) it felt really uninspired and because of that it actually felt like a step down in the graphics department (played on PS4) from not only LBP Vita, but even the original LBP.
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  • Kimani Coye wrote his opinion about LittleBigPlanet 3
    9 years ago
    You can use the unique abilities of Sackboy®, OddSock, Toggle and Swoop to explore all corners of the Imagisphere and unravel the mystery of the planet Bunkum. With powerful customisation tools and a little bit of your imagination, you can evolve the world around you and even make your very own levels and games for Sackboy® (or Sackgirl of course) and their new friends to enjoy. Also, the characters look adorable and liked stuffed animals.
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  • Rickie Bradway wrote his opinion about LittleBigPlanet 3
    9 years ago
    LBP3 is gonna be epic. One of those games where you have a blast everytime you play it!
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  • 9 years ago
    In case anyone's curious, every single new mechanic and concept that they showed off in the e3 demo for LBP3 can already be achieved (perhaps not on all accounts as efficiently) in LittleBigPlanet 2.
    For a series that once stood as arguably Sony's most innovative title, this is a shame.
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    • KalibooStew
      Editing … Aesthetic changes are really the only 'new' material that this game offers (that's been shown so far).
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  • Vin Gattuso wrote his opinion about LittleBigPlanet 3
    9 years ago
    LittleBigPlanet has always been a game that takes the concept of joy and fun and rolls with it so well that you can be shocked it hasn't had as much praise. LittleBigPlanet 3 seems to keep that hearty and joyful mood that it's predecessors have, and expanding upon it with a smooth team-based system and intriguing and innovative puzzles. I cannot wait to see how the game will work with the Touchpad on the improved DualShock 4.
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Game Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2014-06-10 01:28 am
Page creator Husky Wing
Views 1,421
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