Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.4 Good
Rated by 8 people
  • Tacas . wrote his opinion about Little Witch Academia
    9 years ago
    Nothing special, felt like a generic Disney film.
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    • Doubleagent
      Editing … The special part comes from the animation quality. It was basically a demo for Trigger to say "Look at how good at animating we are" and a test to see what would happen if a studio paid attention to the usually ignored western anime fanbase. It had a very small budget when compared to Disney. ($380k If I recall correctly) but it still looks very nice. The attempt at reaching out to the west was also very successful. (The Kickstarter for LWA2 raised $625k)
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    • Tacas .
      Tacas .
      Editing … The animation really was done well and I can see why people liked it. It's just that I don't seem to enjoy Trigger's works in general. I also didn't like Kill la Kill that much (though it redeemed itself starting at around episode 17) though I really did enjoy Inferno Cop. LWA also reminded me of FLCL which also had amazing animation quality for its time but other than that, it just doesn't appeal to me.
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Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2013-07-11 06:38 pm
Page creator Doubleagent
Views 603
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