• 8 years ago
    I'm glad they never made this. It has good and bad things but ultimately, it would just be another forgettable game. And this for a franchise that I love.
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    • Pudding
      Editing … It's hard to tell. After all, this is pre-Alpha footage. One thing that's obvious from this early footage though is that it was really ambitious.
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    • WoodrowShigeru
      Editing … Sure, what with all the open-world traversal and the dynamic switching between realms – ambitious as funk … but it also has these awful tropes like a "where do I go?" neon sign trail, rpg elements where they don't belong, unlock new skills by "buying" them rather than by i.e. killing the respective boss (which would feel more atmospheric and immersive). Popup here, popup there. Streamlining the whole game to make it more accessible and less niche-y … The protagonist seemed a bit badly written, too, but alright: it was merely a glimpse of the story, I'll give you that. — I just don't like these kind of things.
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Alternative Names

Black Cloth (working title, codename)

Game Info

Released Cancelled

Page Info

Created 2015-12-24 05:00 pm
Page creator WoodrowShigeru
Views 489
Listed in, list of Lists as cards
Wide-tile list of VG-level Pages.
Wide-tile list of character Pages.
Simple text.