Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.3 Great
Rated by 18 people
  • Dr Eggnog wrote his opinion about Kiki's Delivery Service
    8 years ago
    I didn't like this movie the first time but that's because I wasn't expecting just how slice of life it is. This is a slow and simple movie where not much happens, and that's what I grew to adore about it. There's a scene with a giant dog and a small cat which seems like an obvious set up for shenanigans, but nothing comes of it because this just isn't that type of movie. It's more quaint. The animation is my favorite in my movie (the backgrounds during her first flight!) and the music is lovely as well. Kiki is a subtle character, and the audience isn't let in to everything she's feeling, and I sometimes wonder if she understands her own emotions. The ending montage/song is extremely charming and always makes me happy.
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    • benace75
      Editing … I really think that the artwork in Kiki's Delivery Service is Ghibli's best. The setting and backgrounds are gorgeous!
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Alternative Names

Kiki la petite sorcière F
Kiki's Delivery Service d E
Majo no Takkyūbin o J
魔女の宅急便 J

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-06-27 11:38 pm
Page creator Doubleagent
Views 1,583
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