• 6 years ago
    Okay, but for real, Jews confuse me.
    Like, it's a religion, right? This was what I knew since I was a kid, and maybe because I don't think I ever met any Jews (they're VERY rare in Portugal) I never thought about it much till recently, but people threat Jews like a ethnicity as well. Like, you're Jew if your family is Jew, and like, there's Jew's surnames and shit, like? But there aren't any Christian last names, I'm not Christian because my family is, actually, I'm not Christian at all, despite my grandparents being.
    But can you be Jew if you don't have Jewish ascendancy? More importantly, can you be Jew and not believe in Judaism, the religion, just because your family IS Jewish?
    Because that sounds incredibly counter-intuitive. I started thinking about this because I'm pretty sure @Husky Wing is Jew but also atheist, and that fucks me up. YOU FUCK ME UP HUSKY! YOU MADE THIS!
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Jew Jew Jew Jew
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … A strange thing to treat a religious group like a national one, probably due their role in the society in christian and muslim countries in the past getting not full civil rights. Only tolerated as they were relevant for the economy. Why? Only Jews are allowed to loan money, christians and muslims not! So the foundings of banks are due that reason, beeing banned in bible and quran otherwise.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … This was discussed very much while I was in Israel, and sometimes the perception of who's Jewish depends on how orthodox the perceiver is. One can be ethnically Jewish if their mother is a Jew, though some orthodox folk insist that both of your parents have to be Jewish. The state of Israel recognizes it just based on your mother, though. Religiosity generally isn't required to be considered Jewish, just the Jewish blood. Then there's the issue of converts. The more accepting people are fine with converts, but in some cases a conversion won't be accepted unless it was an orthodox conversion. For some people, you absolutely *need* to have that Jewish ethnicity to be considered a Jew, regardless of your beliefs.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I think the ethnicity is what's most usually the determing factor for if you're "actually" a Jew. If you're a convert, then you don't *really* fit in with the other Jews. It's a very exclusive world-dominating club, you see.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Oh, and some orthodox folk require that you're religiously Jewish as well as ethnically so. I forget the terms for the different levels of orthodoxy, though. When I was in Israel, plenty orthodox folk seemed very approving (hell, outright pleased to see a Jew visiting Israel), but apparently some areas are a bit more dangerous, with super orthodox Jews that attack you for being in their country while not being super orthodox or something.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Sounds confusing for a religion, but okay
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … Heard Israel is getting trouble with their ultra orthodox population as their amount is rising quickly due high fertility.
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  • 7 years ago
    The amount of "blame the jews for world problems" right now is disturbing.
    I frequently see "the jews are to blame for feminism," and similar accusations. Do folk on the alt-right actually believe this?
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Created 2017-01-03 01:26 am
Page creator Husky Wing
Views 215
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