Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.3 Good
Rated by 14 people
  • 8 years ago
    My hate comes from having read the book. I really liked that the first two movies were basically total conversions of the books, and was annoyed with the changes in Prisoner of Azkaban, and the changes are greater here. I understand the book is much longer, but it still seems insane that the movie goes through the first 15 chapters in about 15 minutes. Not even a line about why the Dursleys let Harry go to the Cup? We don't even get to see the Qudditch match, which is especially disappointing with how little Quidditch there was in the Prisoner of Azkaban movie (the PoA book meanwhile was the only one to have three games). Couldn't things have been paced better? And pacing aside, some changes seem unnecessary. Why does the dragon escape in the first task? What was wrong with the way it was? I remember reading the book and wishing I could see exactly what happened in a movie. It doesn't even make sense that they wouldn't have enchantments to keep the dragon in. Continued below
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … And in the third task, instead of the plethora of awesome challenges, we just get living hedges. Yay. The second task was my favorite in the movie, despite being my least favorite in the book, because it stuck the closest to the book. Also, the tone feels excessively dark throughout, almost like every scene is stuck in the graveyard at the end. It feels very unlikable and made the humor feel really awkward and out of place. The effects are clearly technically impressive, but in the first couple movies, they looked more practical and less like effects to me. I'm able to buy the visuals in Chamber of Secrets as real in a way I can't with this one. Finally, Dumbledore felt perfect to me in the first two movies. In Prisoner he felt too dumb and in this one he felt too stern. After this movie, it was a long time before I watched the next one. End nitpicky nerd rage. ^^
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  • 10 years ago
    Quite an enjoyable movie, and I like the way things are steadily getting darker.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Guessing you watched it last night too? Probably my favourite of the books but I don't think the film's as good.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Yep, I've watched them all so far, I series linked them. I'm guessing they are building up to the last one being on TV over Christmas. I've not read any of the books but I like all the movies.
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  • 10 years ago
    Quite an enjoyable movie, and I like the way things are steadily getting darker.
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  • 10 years ago
    Whereas the first two HP films were deliberately whimsical, if still entertaining, The Prisoner of Azkaban introduced a less than subtle hint that something darker and really quite unpleasant was looming on the horizon, a bit of a logical progression given that we start off with the protagonists being 11, young kids, and as they get older things get progressively more difficult and complicated. Sure, everybody is aware (I think) that the Harry Potter series is basically an analogy for growing up (as well as lots of other things, eg Voldemort's "halfblood" obsession being a not-so-suble reference to the Third Reich), but not many people give it credit for just how clever it is.

    In any case, The Goblet of Fire took that progression one step further: it had the quirky, whimsical elements that made its predecessors so charming but also an ending that is SO dark and pessimistic that it was unprecedented even to those who'd read the book. As such it's probably the best of the series
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Alternative Names

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire d o E
Harry Potter et la Coupe de feu F

Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2013-08-17 02:57 pm
Page creator Michael Z
Views 989
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