Magnifying glass User Average Score

6.5 Good
Rated by 14 people
  • benace75 wrote his opinion about Hard Candy
    8 years ago
    Definitely one of the most uncomfortable movies I've ever seen. I liked how our view of each character changed drastically over the course of the film. The acting and writing is terrific and I really liked the red/gray color scheme which plays with the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale. That being said, I did not completely fall in love with the movie as I feel that there were other thrillers that did this sort of disturbing/mystery-like story in a more interesting way (Gone Girl, Perfect Blue, etc). Maybe I just need more time to think about it...
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  • Ulty wrote his opinion about Hard Candy
    9 years ago
    What in the legitimate f*** did I just watch? A load of s***, that's what...
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    • Leya Kath
      Leya Kath
      Editing … I still don't know what to think of this movie. ^^'
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    • Ulty
      Editing … It's CRAAAAP! A completely pointless movie. They try to build up a climax, but nothing really happens at the end. They want to give depth to these characters, but every conversation amounts to nothing. And did they really expect us to be invested in two completely insane a****les?
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … ... Don't look at my top 50 ATF movie list
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    • Ulty
      Editing … Hahaha, just noticed you reviewed it Gries xD I'm curious as to what made you so interested and invested in these characters, because it all seemed like pointless bickering to me...
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … The role-reversal kept me engrossed, I never expected that twist. After the first few minutes I thought I knew exactly how this movie was going to end but #Hard Candy managed to completely screw with my expectations. Who'd've thought a petite little girl could be as ruthless as her? Moreover the moral ambivalence really stood out to me: neither the predator nor the victim are 100% pure evil/good, the audience roots for different people at different times during the movie. And you're right in one point: I wasn't really "invested in these characters" either, I was invested in their actions. How they reacted to each other, their conversations/relationship at the beginning of the movie completely changed throughout the course of 90 minutes - and to me that is a sign of good character development. It's pretty well documented at this point how much I respect #Ellen Page's acting, she's incredibly talented and this movie rightfully put her on the map.
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    • Ulty
      Editing … Fair enough. I actually found the twist to be pretty predictable, cute little girls with wild psychotic personalities has been done. That's not even my main problem with it, she's basically psychotic for no real reason! I kept going like "why are you doing this? did you really need to do all of this?" throughout the entire movie, which broke my immersion. There was no moral ambivalence to me, I didn't root for any of them and didn't give a f*** about any of them because they were both a****les and misguided lunatics. The characters get some "development", but since it leads to nowhere and accomplishes virtually nothing is the reason why I felt it all to be pointless. Your love for Ellen Page is indeed impressive, and I respect that, but I didn't feel like she was particularly good here. She's definitely a talented actress, and she has her moments in the film, but whenever she tried to be imposing, disturbing and scary...I just bursted out laughing xD
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  • 10 years ago
    Oh my god, I’m speechless. A few minutes in my jaw dropped and I had to manually pick it up from the floor about 90 minutes later. Not kidding here, my mouth literally dried up from watching this movie. “Hard Candy” is now part of the holy circle of movies that managed to make me cry. It made me cry so hard I could taste my salty tears running down to my mouth. Fuck this movie is so impressive I kept staring at the screen and mumbling these words over and over again: “this isn’t happening, she couldn’t possibly do that, I can’t believe this is actually happening, wtf is going on”. God damn.
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    • ContainAuntMac
      Editing … Off the top of my head this movie was the one that came to mind (I haven't really seen a ton of movies) but apparently you've seen it, so I will refrain.
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Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2013-09-08 10:58 am
Page creator Ashtarte
Views 980
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