Magnifying glass User Average Score

1.0 Abysmal
Rated by 1 person
  • Nodley wrote his opinion about Gran Turismo Sport
    5 years ago
    The cars handle well but that's all this piece of shit has going for it. It's online multiplayer only, so you race against other people. Imagine how fairly a kid playing a game drives, yup, it's NO fun whatsoever. You get rammed out on every corner by people not bothering to brake, and then YOU get a 10 second penalty! There is hardly any variety of cars like in previous games, and all the ones there is drive exactly the fucking same, and you can't even tune your cars either. This isn't the Gran Turismo I love.
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  • 7 years ago
    The only thing I need to know about GT Sport is "Does it play exactly like Forza?".
    If the answer is a resounding "yes", I'll gladly buy it this November.
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Game Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2014-08-15 04:27 pm
Page creator Nodley
Views 1,517
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