Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.5 Great
Rated by 7 people
  • 9 years ago
    The GameStop in Munich that I frequent is selling #God of War: Ascension for only 10 € right now, which if you ask me is an excellent deal for a one year old console-exclusive sequel to a high profile industry defining franchise. Ascension may not be the best Hack 'n Slash out there, but it'll tide me over until #Sony Santa Monica Studio announces the inevitable GOW4.
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  • JPLKING wrote his opinion about God of War: Ascension
    10 years ago
    God of War: Ascension tries to be as good as past games while adding in multiplayer. It succeeds at some points, but falls short at others. It manages to be, if not the best, then one of the best looking games this generation. Most of the combat changes feel really good. The story though is a weak point. It's not bad, it's just not needed. It doesn't feel like anything happened in the story. Another is at some points the camera will pull away from Kratos, making it hard to see. The multiplayer on the other hand is deeper then I thought. It has a decent amount of maps, a lot of customization, and a decent variety of game modes. if they can add more to it in another game it could be amazing. Overall a nice addition to the series
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  • Pudding wrote his opinion about God of War: Ascension
    10 years ago
    There are no two ways about it, God of War: Ascension is by far the weakest link in the incredible series. You know the saying: if it ain't broke, don't fix it? Well, devs behind GOW: Ascension disregarded that saying and made quite a few changes to the combat, most of which were bad decisions that completely ruined the combat perfection found in GOW III. Also, you can see the devs were aware of all the problems the game had the moment they replaced the save points with checkpoints. Shame they took the easy way out.
    Pros: Stunning visuals, last third of the game ranks up there with the series' best parts, biggest emphasis on platforming, exploring and puzzles out of all the entires in the series, New Game+
    Cons: Destroyed perfect flow of GOW III's combat, first two thirds of the game have really poor pacing, combat and barely any traces of a story, multiplayer (although surprisingly serviceable) is nothing to get too excited about, occasionally troublesome camera
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    • Papissama
      Editing … I don't expect much from it but I still need to play it.
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    • Pudding
      Editing … Yeah, I can completely understand why. A word of advice if you're not gunning the platinum trophy - play it on the normal difficulty, since you'll save yourself from needless ''raging'' at certain spots and combat might be more enjoyable and faster. On hard, enemies (even most of the basic ones) hit like a truck and have a ton of HP. And since they've reworked the combat quite a bit, it's even harder.
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    • Papissama
      Editing … I've got a plat on all 3 GOW and I'm going after that one as well! ;) I hope that I won't suffer to much.
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    • Pudding
      Editing … Heh, same here with the plats, but this one I'll pass on. ^^ I really hope you'll enjoy it far more than I did. Especially the first two thirds of the game. The last third is actually pure gold. Have fun! :D
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Released Yes

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Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 986
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