• 7 years ago
    I read some controversial articles today.

    "Dr. Kenneth Zucker, a psychologist with 30 years of experience running the largest Canadian childhood gender clinic, believes that transgender children may actually just be suffering from autism.

    The psychologist says that a child suffering from gender dysphoria, or transgenderism, may be wrongly convincing themselves that they are their opposite biological gender due to fixation—a common quality associated with autism—on their gender.

    Zucker has also linked the high association of trans children who suffer from autism to support his claim.

    “Latest figures show that the number of children under 10 in Britain being referred to the NHS over transgender feelings has quadrupled in five years,” notes The Telegraph. Zucker claims such children are “seven times more likely to be on the autistic spectrum.”

    Besides linking autism to gender dysphoria, Zucker has been critical of the idea that we must appease the illness and allow children to “transition” to their opposite sex. In fact, the psychologist claims he was booted from the children’s trans clinic in Toronto for voicing such a dissenting view.

    As reported at The Daily Wire this month, the American College of Pediatricians has estimated that 75-95 percent of children with gender dysphoria grow out of such sexual confusion before adulthood. This reinforces the notion that allowing children to "transition" at a young age could do far more harm than good."
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … Transing children is child abuse. Wait until they are older and see if they still think they are trans.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Deleted by himself
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Children are children and obviously they shouldn't be able to sign themselves up for a surgical transition but if they show over months and years that deeply unhappy with their body then their parents should let them present how they want to and perhaps consider puberty blockers. The effects of puberty blockers are reversible but puberty isn't.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I agree with Rukk 100% But then, i also really don't understand gender identity in the first place. What does "feeling like a male" even mean?
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    • MrZAP
      Editing … @Silent Gamer This is a concept I've been wrestling to understand for several years now, mostly because of my own thoughts on gender (i.e. it's an entirely cultural construct and mostly if not completely referred to by gender roles and norms). Because of how I view it, I'm not sure how someone CAN be truly biologically dysphoric because we are not biologically tied to those roles or norms. In my eyes we're all actually technically genderless. I conform to male pronouns because I'm used to it and don't see a reason not to, and adopt other things like male dress for similar reasons, but I certainly don't like the idea of forcing roles or norms of either gender onto myself (though certainly some amount must have been assimilated into my personality simply because of enculturation). At the same time I know a couple of people who identify as trans and genderqueer and agender, and these are people I respect and trust the opinion of, and the couple of times it's come up it's seemed like a natural thing to them. So maybe my view on gender is wholly or partially wrong (certainly very possible) or they're at least somewhat incorrect in their analysis, or we're talking about two different things, or something. I've done some research on it (though not a huge amount, admittedly) and I still don't really understand gender or gender dysphoria. I don't like not understanding things.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I hear you. If anyone wanted to try explain it to me, i'd listen, but as of this current moment in time I simply do not understand it. I wear men's clothes because of societal pressures and because they are more suited to my build. Hell, i wore a jacket with a fur hood once and random strangers commented that it was "a woman's jacket". What? Like it is specifically designed to hold boobs or something? It's a fucking piece of fabric designed to keep someone warm. I completely agree with your belief that gender is no more than a social construct.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I have a coat with a fur hood. It looks good. It's also South Korean, like the best clothes.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … I think the confusion comes from "gender is a social construct" being about "gender roles" and the societal pressures we're expected to conform to depending on our sex and "gender identity" being a different concept despite the similar phrasing. As far as I understand being transgender isn't inherently to do with social constructs (although obviously you can be trans and embrace stereotypical gender roles if you want) it's more to do with our sense of self in relation to the sex of our bodies.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Yea, it's that last sentence that causes the confusion for me. I feel like 'me' not "a male" It must be horrible having a disconnect between the "you" inside and the "you" outside, but I really do not see how this is any different from any other kind of body dysmorphia. Being unhappy with your male or female features does not mean you are "a man trapped in a womans body" or vice-versa. Do you have a mental disconnect that may be alleviated through the application of surgery? Yes, perhaps, but to claim we all have mental genders seems absurd to me.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … P.s South Korean fashion is superb. Men's and women's! I am much too large for them, but I always appreciate fine clothes on other people :)
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Gender identity disorder

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Created 2016-01-29 08:25 am
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