Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.2 Good
Rated by 5 people
  • 8 years ago
    Pretty fun game. Played this for a couple of hours on co-op and had a good time. The "declassified" objectives give it a fun twist and help keep the gameplay fresh :)
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … How does it hold up against Gears 1-3?
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I'd maybe put it somewhere between Gears 1 and 3 (2>1>Judgement>3) . It's incredibly fast-paced. It's really just a series of short firefights, but the declassified parameters give you added challenge like "beat in 4 minutes" or "use only this weapon" so it feels like a bunch of challenge rooms. Normally that wouldn't be my thing, but I feel it works with Gears, because all I want to do is shoot some locusts and chop up some grubs with my lancer :P Plot seemed a bit ho-hum, and I can't speak for it's quality as a single-player experience, but it'd be great for a fun co-op romp if you can find it cheap. Each level gives you stats on which player had the most kills, etc., so there's a bit of a competitive flair as well :)
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … It's rubbish compared to the first three. People Can Fly have done other, better work, but here it's like they have absolutely no sense of pacing or level design. Playing Horde mode actually gives you a better sense of progression. It's just one scenario after another with the story consisting of "then we ran into a bunch of wretches, then a bunch of boomers, then our grenades started malfunctioning." It's kind of hard to describe just how monotonous it becomes. Maybe watch a playthrough if you're curious.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … I can never decide whether I prefer 1 or 2, 3's the weakest I've played and then I've never bothered with Judgement. It looks like the Gears equivalent of Halo ODST.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … It really depends what you are looking for from it. If you want a co-op shooting gallery I'd say go for it. If you are wanting something similar to the first two games, I'd say pass
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Game Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 799
  • Gameplay Footage
Listed in, list of Lists as cards
Wide-tile list of VG-level Pages.
Wide-tile list of character Pages.
Simple text.