• 8 years ago
    "The core appeal of NX must be 'buy this as well as a PS4', not 'buy this instead of a PS4'" - Rob Fahey

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    • Nodley
      Editing … They best give me a reason to buy then and not just another fucking mario rehash.
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … Thus was exactly like when the Wii came out. People were speculating that gamers would own a wii and either a 360 or ps3, allowing Wii to edge out in first. But what happened was unexpected.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … But the novelty factor wore off when there were no good games. If they don't do this properly and compete directly they will be out for good.
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … I have two thoughts. 1) not competing directly doesn't mean they have to rely on novelty. They could not rely on novelty and still not compete directly. And that's what they should probably do imo because competing directly seems like suicide. 2) Wii blew away the hardcore audience which is all anyone ever talks about, but what people don't seem to talk about is that Wii blew away the casual audience as well. Maybe? It seems like they did. Many wii buyers were probably never going to be long time users, but it nonetheless seems like a wasted opportunity.
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  • 9 years ago
    „A great many of us identify with the term ‘gamer’. When we read, ‚gamers are doing this awful thing‘, it feels like an attack on that identity. Unfortunately, our reaction is knee-jerk, instead of condemning the awful thing and trying to find ways to help to stop it, we take offence, leaping up to attack the person who has dared to smear our identity.

    It’s a classic derailment tactic.”

    - Rob Fahey, Gamesindustry.biz, retweeted by @yosp
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    • Firion Hope
      Firion Hope
      Editing … If they wouldn't generalize people with a hobby in the first place and focused on the specific people who are assholes on both sides then that problem wouldn't exist. Classic trying to have your cake and eat it too. I might as well say "journalists" are doing this awful thing which honestly at the moment isn't much of a stretch. Of course the difference is there's maybe 1000 games journalists vs over a billion people who could be called a gamer.
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    • Firion Hope
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … Why should people have to qualify their statement with "SOME gamers" just to make you feel comfortable when this issue of women being maliciously threatened and chased out of the industry is not about you? Someone saying "SOME gamers" allows you to distance yourself from the problem and to avoid addressing the notion that you could possibly be complicit in the status quo. "'Some' gamers? Oh, nope, not me, not my problem, time to move on and ignore this issue entirely since I have the privilege to do so!" I'm baffled how people take "gamers" to be a generalizing term--people respond "not ALL gamers" yet no one said "ALL gamers" in the first place. Defensive much? If it's not about you and your behaviors, then you and other "good" gamers shouldn't be taking offense. See also: "not ALL men." It's not an individual problem, it's an institutionalized and systemic problem, and needs to be addressed as such.
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    • Firion Hope
      Firion Hope
      Editing … Yeah it ISN'T my problem nor my responsibility. It's only the responsibility of the people performing said actions. Blaming the many for the actions of few isn't cool. I haven't harassed anyone and I'm not going to tolerate being lumped in with those who have. They could simply add a word to clarify who they're talking about. But they're too stubborn, they'd rather piss all over the filthy gamers (you know the people who are responsible for putting food on their tables) and try to make themselves look better in comparison. If they didn't mean "all gamers" then they shouldn't use the term on it's own in the first place. "Movie watchers are awful" "book readers are awful" "car drivers are awful" do you not realize how fucking ridiculous that sounds? Don't generalize people, practice what you preach. And since you unnecessarily brought it up- people need to stop playing the victim so much, you'd do well to look at the not your shield tag and have a long hard think though I'm sure you'd just come to the conclusion they were brainwashed by the patriarchy or something. It's easier to play the victim and blame your problems on someone or something else rather than take responsibility for your own failings which is a huge culture problem at the moment. Also this has nothing to do with sexism or misogyny in the first place but I'm not surprised you try to spin yet another thing into it. People on both sides have been equally harassed and abused and it has nothing to do with gender nor has it ever beyond it happening to start with a female which makes it easier to spin everything as such and a handful of trolls that are always around. It' a red herring to detract from the real issues, something to smear gamers with to garner support and sympathy out of pity. This is the first time people have stood up to the constant mud slinging many (see that? see how I clarified it wasn't all of them?) game journos and some western devs have constantly been doing and the rampant unprofessionalism, corruption, and unnecessary politics forced into games by people who don't even seem to enjoy them and I'm really proud. Anyway respond to this if you want but I'm not arguing with you about it anymore, it's obvious you've made up your mind about these issues. I have too so us discussing this is pointless and I don't want to clog up gries feed any more, I only commented in the first place because he was the only one I saw post about it in a while. Also nice posting old news, yes the public IRC 4chan chat room which has a very small handful people online who are politely discussing the best way to go about this whole thing is definitely definitive proof on how all of 4chan are misogynistic and trying to attack people. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BxJYcaFIYAA-lqv.jpg how interesting
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    • Filly Vanilli
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … I have seen very little of the side of the story that the whole thing is a 4chan plot and I've been wondering why that is.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … It's not your responsibility per say, but it would be nice if you gave a shit about the women who are being victimized by this behavior. Oppressors, in this case misogynistic gamers, are the people in power and their viewpoints are hegemonic and seen as the default. Also, misogynists tend to think that all men think this way. That means that your silence and complacency, as a man, implies your agreement with them. Then again, you're not even being complacent, you're actively arguing with people who think women deserve to participate in this industry without having their lives threatened. Because apparently men not being ""generalized"" is the far more important issue here! Excuse me for thinking your utter apathy toward women's victimization is less than palatable.
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    • Doubleagent
      Editing … Well said Firion. Saying all members of large group X are Y is stupid in any situation. If someone generalises an entire group based on a small section that is not ok. "Someone on 4chan said something" means nothing. Anyone can be anyone on 4chan, anyone can say they are Zoe Quinn, anyone can say they are a mastermind planing on starting an 'internet revolution'. It does not make it true, perhaps it is time for YOU to what was it? "get your tinfoil hat out" if you believe a small number of unknown internet nerds in a chatroom, with no public following have masterminded this thing as that's completely absurd. People can try to make the world an easier to understand place by separating all these people into easy groups for them to point at and say they are the source of all their issues but they are never going to be correct, the world is far more complicated / there is no big bad guy for you to point your anger at. I'm not going to go over the entire thing again but these specific people are trying to use you to generate money by appearing to care about the things you care about. All they care about is money and themselves, they are stringing people along in the wrong direction to cover their own asses and generate more clickbait to stick ads on. http://i.imgur.com/jVrVWkO.jpg Firion basically already said everything so there is not much else to say.
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … To summarize: Do I want harassment - of men and women alike - to stop ? Yes, and hopefully so do you. Do I want honest and unbiased journalism? Yes, and hopefully so do you. ... If you agree with both points, I don't really see what we're arguing here about in the first place. Filly and me just think this whole drama in the last few weeks was essentially about inequality and sexism, Louis and Firion obviously think the real issue here is about the corruption/loss of integrity of IGN, Kotaku, Gamespot etc. Both are points worth looking into. In the end we want the same things.
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    • Firion Hope
      Firion Hope
      Editing … I'm not so sure. I think there has been harassment on both sides but not any more so than usual for the internet and I don't think it has anything to do with inequality and sexism, at all. Yes I think it's unfortunate and uncool but it shouldn't be used to paint everyone in a group a certain way or used to further publicity, it should be reported and ignored. And obviously you and steph don't think there's a problem with the games journalism because that thing you quoted and steph defended is representative of all the problems I have with the industry. Not that you aren't allowed to agree with it or quote it and hopefully you don't mind me posting to disagree, but yeah. So while we agree on a few things I don't think we agree on what the problems here are. But as I said it's not worth arguing about, everyone here has made up their minds, I'll just discuss it in other places like I have been (even if it comes up here) and we can argue about other dumb stuff like which vidja games are the best :P
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