Magnifying glass User Average Score

5.8 Not bad
Rated by 3 people
  • 9 years ago
    This movie's intent was to piss people off. Some people find it brilliant, but I can't give it credit for that, especially since it's so easy to piss people off - George Lucas has been doing that since 1999.
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … Alright, now you made me curious. I loved Heineke's other movies (#Amour and #The White Ribbon) so I might as well check out Funny Games. edit: just bought the DVD on Amazon :)
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    • Splatterhouse 5
      Splatterhouse 5
      Editing … Well, there isn't much of a middle ground with this movie. You'll either love it, or it'll straight up annoy you, which is what the project was aiming for. There's a very clear moment in this movie that'll make it or break it for you, since it really is an experiment that intentionally toys with the viewer's expectations.
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … I watched the movie yesterday, which scene were you talking about specifically?
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    • Splatterhouse 5
      Splatterhouse 5
      Editing … The "rewind" scene with the remote. It's the moment that any viewer should be aware that the family's situation was inescapable from the moment that the two villains showed up. Once I realized that the family's situation was hopeless from the start, the movie just feels like a cruel exercise in psychologically torturing a family until the director feels it's time to kill them. It doesn't bother me that the bad guys win, but I did find it annoying when it's obnoxiously realized that they always win, and the victims never have a fighting chance. It just sucks the wind out of the suspense.
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  • 10 years ago
    I feel like this movie could've been really good was it not for the fact that I seriously sat there for 10+ minutes JUST watching the wife make her way across the living room and try to get out of her bondage... just the fact that the movie was in real time made it boring at times and it took away from the suspense. though, I did enjoy the idea and the fact that It shows just how easily something like that could happen to someone
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Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2013-07-30 10:49 pm
Page creator Michael Z
Views 750
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