Magnifying glass User Average Score

6.8 Good
Rated by 2 people
  • Erektionsite wrote his opinion about Friday the 13th Part III
    7 years ago
    Spooky Scary Horrorthons 3 - Film #31

    If you can ignore the horid 3D effect setups I think this is a pretty fun slasher.

    Jason is on fire in this one. He kills people left and right while being an unstoppable juggernaut, a notable highlight is when he crushes a guy's head so forcefully that an eye pops out! This was also the film where Jason got his hockey mask, thus turning him into one of the most iconic film icons of all time.

    The rest of the cast are clichés such as the stoner, the blonde, the awkward nerd and so on. There is also a biker gang that shows up, they act tough but Jason has no time for their bullshit. There is also a couple that appears in a early scene, the husband was named Harold. I was sad when he died because he used the "Look, I will eat it"-trick when feeding his goldfish, that is the sign of a pure heart.

    The effects are a mixed bag. The gore is pretty neat but the endless amount of 3D setups with no real purpose got really annoying after a while. And there was a rattlesnake jumpscare that looked so bad with obvious strings and all that I assumed it was meant to be some sort of trap at first.

    When the killings start happening this film gets really fun. Jason uses a wide arrange of improvised weaponry to teach those damn teenagers a lesson or two. One of the teens is named Shelly, he is the earlier mentioned nerd and his obsession with scaring people by using costumes and convincing gore effects makes it all so much easier for Jason since everyone thinks it's just Shelly running around being an asshole, bless him. Jason will use things such as pitchforks, machetes, fire pokers and his damn bare hands before the credits roll!

    The final chase sequence was very good as well. It really takes some interesting turns before Jason finally bites the dust, for now...

    Call me crazy but I kind of loved this. The funky theme song was pretty snazzy as well.
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