Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.7 Great
Rated by 3 people
  • DJ_JJSlider wrote his opinion about Exit Through the Gift Shop
    5 years ago
    ...Supposedly this is a documentary about an immigrant in L.A., Thierry Guetta, who is fascinated with street art. Somewhere along the lines, this turned Thierry into a graffiti artist himself. And from there, this movie follows these demented rebels in some chaotic work of film art that may or may not be a real biography of how Thierry turned into the artist Mr. Brainwash. The whole film is rooted in dark speculation from the beginning, because these are graffiti artists whose work is technically illegal. It's a brazenly daring documentary, regardless of what people think about street art.
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … Shoulda' won an Oscar. I mean, it was nominated. The Academy be producing vandalism, homies. Word up.
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Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2014-02-01 11:52 am
Page creator Higemaru
Views 777
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