• 7 years ago
    Before work today I hung out with Kyle. Gave him Rhythm Heaven as his birthday present, he likes it. His girlfriend Katie is apparently fascinated with it despite not being much of a gamer (outside of Harvest Moon). We went to a steakhouse and I got fish and fried okra and cheesecake. He gave me his key, which I’ll give to my parents.
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  • 7 years ago
    Eggs are great, and I'm not just stroking my own dick when I say that, though I am literally stroking my own dick as I say this.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Eggs are so versatile. Fry em, boil em, scramble em, make an omelette, bake a cake with them, make burgers with them, make french toast, toss them at old people's houses. So many ways to use them.
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Alternative Names

Ägg S
Egg d o E
Huevo S
Hühnerei G
Œuf F
Ovo P
and 4 more

Page Info

Created 2013-07-25 07:10 am
Page creator Nodley
Views 591
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