Magnifying glass User Average Score

5.9 Not bad
Rated by 10 people
  • 9 years ago
    Snapped this at my local GameStop
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    • Pudding
      Editing … One of the most underrated games last gen... At least, the PC version. Supposedly, the console ports were terrible and most who hate it, played it there...
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … I was just laughing at the fact that a kart racing game starring Shrek is $25 and DNF is $4.
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    • Pudding
      Editing … I noticed, but I'm sure you could find a number of other great games for under a fiver too.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … Yes, but I will still never pass up an opportunity to make fun of DNF.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … tbh this post is half "laughing at DNF" and half "laughing at Shrek"
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  • Alyxx Thorne wrote her opinion about Duke Nukem Forever
    10 years ago
    While many people dislike Duke Nukem Forever for its style, humor and the fact it feels like a game from 2005 released in 2011, to me those are the reasons I love this game so much. In a world of serious war shooters, it stands firmly on its own and is one of the most unique and memorable games I've played. To this day it still feels fresh to play it and the multiplayer is always a ton of fun to jump into. To me, Duke Nukem Forever was everything I hoped it would be and it did not disappoint.
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  • JPLKING wrote his opinion about Duke Nukem Forever
    10 years ago
    Duke is back, and not as good, but not completely awful. The gameplay is decent at best. Graphics are outdated and a bit ugly. Multiplayer is fun at times but won't last and is a bit buggy. I like the Capture the flag mode that they have. Load times are painfully long for some reason. It's also repetitive. They mix it up soetimes but it's not enough. If you want some laughs then you will have to suffer through long loading screens and repetitive gameplay. It's ok, but it should have been better.
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  • Gao wrote his opinion about Duke Nukem Forever
    10 years ago
    It's not the complete disaster that a lot of critics made it out to be, but it's not really good, either. The gameplay feels really unfocused, like they tried to jam in every cool idea they ran across regardless of how well they fit together, and there are long stretches where there really isn't action going on. The humor mostly works, as juvenile as it is, the interactive environments are a nice touch, and the atmosphere is generally fun aside from the bizarre and disturbing "The Hive" section, which is jarringly fucked up and dark. Really wish they left that on the cutting room floor. It constantly feels like it's a hair away from being a good game, and I really wish someone on the design team knew when to reign things in.
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  • Pudding wrote his opinion about Duke Nukem Forever
    10 years ago
    Hail to the king, baby! DNF's development cycle couldn't have left the game without scars, BUT the game has heart and, despite what the critics are saying, could teach today's FPS scene a thing or two. At the same time it feels fresh and oldschool.
    Pros: Duke Nukem, really fun to play, varied gameplay and scenery never allow boredom to kick in, well paced, great puzzles, funny, environment interaction is outstanding, epic boss battles, surprisingly good music, awesome Easter eggs, fan service, attention to detail at times is incredible
    Cons: Some of the weapons lack punch, a few sections feel visually uninspired, graphics (especially character animations) are outdated, writing/voice acting for some of the side characters falls flat
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Game Info

Released Yes

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Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 1,211
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