Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.2 Good
Rated by 17 people
  • 5 years ago
    oh my god
    this is so boring
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … Well definitely don't bother with the sequels.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … oh no
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Darksiders 2 looks interesting, but... I dunno...
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … The combat, open world and immediate access to your horse is better, but the Prince of Persia style platforming is jankier than the Sands of Time despite coming out ten years later. Unlike War, Death can't double jump, and can only grab onto specific ledges, which leads to a lot of situations where you want to scale a five foot ledge that you could easily manage in real life, but your unstoppable horseman of the apocalypse has to circle around to the exact spot that you're actually allowed to climb. I found the loot system just lead to busywork, swapping out gear, and it really deflates the anticipation of coming across a chest. "Yay, a battle axe that does 70% of the damage of my equipped weapon!" I also dug the first game's post-apocalyptic setting, particularly chucking cars at demons, but there's way less of that in the sequel. The Zelda style puzzling is also much better in the first game. And if you make it to the cliffhanger ending of the first game, it's quite disappointing to fire up the sequel and discover that it's a midquel that ends in the exact same spot as the first game. The third game also apparently takes place parallel to the previous games' events (and it's a huge piece of shit), so I guess we'll never see the story continue.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … Like I still enjoyed Darksiders II, but I still haven't beaten it all these years later, and I don't expect it to win over anyone who didn't like the first game.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I love post-apocalypses, but I'm finding the Darksiders setting to be really drab. Destroying cars for souls feels like mindless busywork to me. Well, maybe this series just isn't for me. The combat might be the biggest issue though, how different is it in the second game?
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … It's pretty much the equivalent of switching from Dante to Vergil in a DMC game; the same, but different. Death has a much more distinct dodge animation, similar to Legend of Zelda's rolls and flips. It's much more satisfying than War's lunge animation. War is limited to 3 weapons for the entire game, but Death has access to 8 different secondary weapon types. I also just generally prefer Death's more varied moveset, whereas a lot of War's combos just kind of blend together.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I haven't played DMC... Death's roll does look good though. So does his parkouring. I like the loot idea if anything's worthwhile, too. As my Borderlands co-op partner says, all he has to do is look at loot, and I basically teleport right in front of him...
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    • Husky Wing
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … he's too good to me
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  • Fred TR wrote his opinion about Darksiders
    10 years ago
    A solid action adventure game. Great art style, solid gameplay that involves many straightforward puzzles, platforming and mashing combos and weapons at your enemies.
    The enemies are repeated quite often, but the bosses are unique and visually cool. Boss fights are straightforward but fun too.
    The story is decidedly average, the music is nothing special and the environments often feel quite empty..(I know it's the apocalypse, but it would be nice if things were a bit less static in some areas).
    However, it's a good game. If you want an enjoyable adventure with Fable/God of War combat and varied gameplay mechanics, then this is worth a try.
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  • Retro Wolf wrote his opinion about Darksiders
    10 years ago
    A game that focuses WAY too much on combat, with usually around 5-10 battles in one area, taking a few minutes each. The dungeon design is okay and the puzzles can be interesting, but it's overall an 'okay' action-adventure.
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  • DjinnFighter wrote his opinion about Darksiders
    10 years ago
    It's like Zelda, but with no soul.
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Alternative Names

Darksiders Collection
Darksiders Complete

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Released Yes

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Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 1,417
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