Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.0 Good
Rated by 1 person
  • Sha Ember wrote his opinion about Danball Senki
    9 years ago
    This game was interesting. It is a mecha game in which mechas are smaller than usually (Gundam for exemple). While the story and the characters aren't memorable, the battles are dynamic and the customization is great. There are more than a hundred robots whose each part of their bodies can be exchanged (arms, legs, body and head) and even their weapon types (swords, spears, daggers, pistols, snipers, and others). The difficulty is well-balanced, the graphic design, without being excellent, is enjoyable. Danball Senki was, from the start of the series, fresh and original. Though improvable, it is still interesting and captivating. A good game to play on short sessions.

    My Favorite Character: #Kazuya Aoshima.
    My Favorite LBX: #Achilles (LBX).
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Game Info

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Created 2014-04-12 03:23 pm
Page creator Sha Ember
Views 363
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