• 8 years ago
    Damn you Claymore, there's so much potential in you, but you're filled with flaws. The story itself is great, it kept me reading, wanting to find out how it would develop, but some character arcs where just so cliched and cringeworthy. A lot of dialogue is just bad, it tries to come across as poetic and mostly fails. There's some rare cases where it works, and when it does, it really, really does and in those cases those chars really became some of my fav chars overall, but there's so many chars that you lose track, besides, a lot of them are annoying.
    The art in the beginning bugged me a lot, but thankfully it gets way better.
    It's clear the artist knew what he wanted to do from the very beginning and it comes off as a very concise manga, and even though it starts a little bit weak, it becomes way better when the Awakened Ones start appearing. I also liked how they introduced us Claire as a strong char and only then did they revealed she was the weakest of the Claymore.
    If anything, at least Claymore is a good example of a story with a good variety of strong female leads that doesn't come off as feministic or sexualized. Which is great, I think @Stephanie Taylor could be interested in this one.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … I remember watching a couple of episodes of this quite a while ago, but I got bored of it. Maybe I'll pick it up again if I'm looking for something to watch.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Like I said, it gets more interesting after they introduce the Awakening Ones, the first Yoma arks aren't really that special
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Created 2014-03-21 04:02 pm
Page creator DJ Helyx
Views 685
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