• Doubleagent wrote his opinion about Clara Oswald
    9 years ago
    Clara is going to get a very high spot in my "Least Favourite Fictional Characters" list if that ever comes about. She is so terrible that I've actively decided to stop watching doctor who until she is dead / gone.
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    • chemical
      Editing … I thought that Amy Pond was fucking annoying as hell, but Clara honestly makes Amy Pond look good by comparison. Clara's terrible. I can't stand her. :/
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … What's so bad about her? She's not River Song or Captain Jack but other than that I like her as much as any of the other companions, probably more than Rose or Donna. It's the Twelfth Doctor that's put me off Dr Who lately. Capaldi's a good actor but the way they've written his Doctor he just isn't a very likeable character.
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    • Doubleagent
      Editing … I just don't care about her and the show was increasingly moving away from being 'Doctor Who' into 'The Adventures of Clara and Pals'. I also just don't find Clara's brand of humor amusing at all and I didn't like how she was so cool headed about everything related to the doctor at the start, being dragged out to go on an adventure with an alien is at least a little bit scary/thrilling come on! Don't just act like it's another day at the office...
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Created 2014-01-04 06:50 pm
Page creator Mortalfinlay
Views 432
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