• 4 days ago
    Today I made egg fried rice, chow mein in black bean, and chilli and garlic ribs. I made everything from scratch and it cost me £30 for the ingredients, not including the ribs I already had. It's definitely a lot cheaper to just buy a Chinese, but I bet my version was healthier.

    All this just to have a reason to try the reduced salt soy sauce I bought last week.

    I have also been reminded that spring onion is god tier onion.
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  • 5 years ago
    There's this new chinese place nearby, and oohhhh boyyy is it terrible.
    I'm sticking to my preferred chinese place tyvm gee I fuckin feel like throwing up, that's the last time I try this place.
    I think their orange beef might've been good. Maybe I'll try it again. So maybe this isn't the last. There's three chinese places nearby, and I can't quite remember which orange beef I really liked. My favorite place, unfortunately, isn't the best place to go for meat dishes.
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Alternative Names

Chinese food d E
Cuisine chinoise F
Chinese cuisine

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Created 2016-02-19 11:17 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 393
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