Magnifying glass User Average Score

5.5 Not bad
Rated by 4 people
  • Gao wrote his opinion about Children Who Chase Lost Voices
    10 years ago
    An awkward, meandering attempt to ape Hayao Miyazaki. Character designs and scenes are pretty much directly lifted from his films, but with little regard to whether they work here. And they keep repeating some of them for some reason. Seriously, they do the whole "fox squirrel jumps on the female protagonist's shoulder, then runs to the other shoulder" thing from Nausicaa at least five times. The pacing, plot, and themes are all over the place, and only one of the characters has depth greater than that of cardboard. The protagonist has no agency at all, never seems to actively try to do anything, and always needs a man to save her. And then there's the music. Cheesy swelling music is used in like every other scene, as if it were particularly meaningful or climactic or something, even if it's just someone running around. The only reason I'm giving this film any points at all is that it's pretty and it doesn't do anything that directly insults the audience. Avoid.
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Alternative Names

Hoshi o Ou Kodomo
Journey to Agartha

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-09-08 10:17 am
Page creator StealthRUSH
Views 633
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