Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.9 Great
Rated by 11 people
  • 9 years ago
    This reminded me of The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
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  • benace75 wrote his opinion about Big Fish
    9 years ago
    Big Fish is a film like no other. The concept is brilliant as a dying father's son wants to know the truth after being told fantastical stories all of his life. Each of the stories told are masterful. They hit all of the right nostalgic notes and are genuinely beautiful, imaginative, and comical all at the same time. The ending is also among the bests I've seen in a movie and perfectly wraps up all of the themes of the film in a satisfying and emotionally moving way. Simply put, I love this movie and I would highly recommend it to anyone who still hasn't seen it.
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Alternative Names

Big Fish d o E
Big Fish : La Légende du gros poisson F

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-09-02 09:02 am
Page creator Gao
Views 1,013
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