• 8 months ago
    Belle is appearing at a shopping centre in Hull tomorrow. Just £10 to get your photo taken with her. Isabella is so excited but I've managed to turn it into a day out, there's an Italian restaurant there so we all good.

    Until next week when Elsa and Anna are there, and the week after when snow white is there. At least there is stuff for kids to do now, back in my day you was playing in the garden or you was playing indoors, there was no treats, you got what you got and you was happy.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I was just thinking and I was Isabella's age in 1982. There was literally nothing to do, if we were lucky and the sun was shining we was allowed the paddling pool out but besides that we entertained ourselves. There was no TV, no DVDs. Well, we did have a TV but it was 1 TV in the front room with 3 channels, games consoles were only just a new thing and I didn't get an Atari until a year or so later. At this point I was still years from getting an old portable black and white TV in my room. I remember climbing the tree in our back yard and my mother just let me even though I'd have been about 4 years old. I remember stirring my wheatabix 100 times to the left then 100 times to the right because there was just nothing else to do, no TV, no hey duggie, just a room and a table and my parents. I know I spoil Iz but I can't help it, I want her to have more than I had. I wish there had been a meet and greet photo opportunity with He-Man or the transformers when I was little.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … True current generation (born after year 2000) don't know boredom at all. TV, VCR and Video Gaming become a thing in the 90s. Before there was technically nothing, even a playground outside nearby wasn't common at all.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I think I'm more bored now then I was in the 80s or 90s despite having more to do.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … It is really odd, then my sparetime starts and begin to relax i reckon to be pretty tired. So i postpone my plans i had then beeing busy. After no longer tired i (often) can't decide what to do now so just idling at the end.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Like when you put on Netflix and you just spend an hour looking for something but can't ever decide what to actually watch
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Alternative Names

Little Wife
Princess Beauty

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Created 2013-09-16 02:56 pm
Page creator Doubleagent
Views 741
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