Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.0 Great
Rated by 3 people
  • 6 years ago
    Me likey
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  • 6 years ago
    My final thoughts on the game, summed up quickly: I think it's a big step forward from the past couple games, and in some ways it shows a ton of potential for future games, but it has a few too many issues that prevent it from being truly memorable. The new combat system is fun in bursts, but doesn't quite work out all the time, and the story is enjoyable but kinda light and forgettable compared to the likes of II and III (it's certainly much better than what I saw of Unity's plot, though.) I'm glad they brought naval combat back but limited it to specific missions again, because in Black Flag I really wasn't liking the open world naval battles, but in this game they're really epic and are actually my favorite parts of the gameplay, just like in III. Everything else about the gameplay is enjoyable at times, but incredibly clunky, even more so than in past AC games, and the RPG elements are often at odds with combat and stealth, making it feel like Ubisoft has some serious balancing to do in order to make future games with these systems work better. The open world design is excellent, and Egypt is probably my favorite setting in any AC game so far. Overall, I'd rate the game 7.5/10, which puts it higher than AC1 and Revelations, Unity from what I played of it, and probably Black Flag as well, but definitely behind II, Brotherhood and III.
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  • 6 years ago
    Will I actually ever beat an AC game after III? This one actually looks like it'll finally be the one to break my cold streak, after Black Flag frustrated me to no end with its open world naval combat, Rogue got skipped completely because I heard it was basically Black Flag Lite, which sounds awful, Unity was so damn boring and Syndicate got skipped because I just wasn't feeling the series anymore. This one, on the other hand, feels fresh enough to have finally grabbed my attention again and after about 20 hours, I'm actually enjoying it a lot. It has some annoying glitches, as well as some clunky controls as usual, but I really like the revamped combat, the much bigger, expanded open world, which feels closer to Witcher 3 and Horizon: Zero Dawn than it does past AC games, and the setting is wonderful. So far, so good!
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Unity's not boring you're boring :(
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Bloody Black Flag ruining Rogue for you. It's a great game. Black Flag however is not.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I'm really interested in Origins but realistically I won't be playing it until next year at some point.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Yeah, Origins won't reach me until its complete edition is $10 or something
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … But listen to Silent, Rogue is one of the franchise's best games, and it definitely has its best story! Black Flag's story is fuckoffable (make of that brand new word what you will), all it's really got going for it over Rogue is the piratey vibe.
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    • Travis Green
      Travis Green
      Editing … As I said, the reason I'm afraid to play Rogue is because I've heard it also has open world naval combat, and that's what ruined Black Flag for me: Because I can't just get myself to rush through the plot and have to make myself explore every little island I find, I'd keep going into restricted areas with ships that were way stronger than mine and it would just piss me off to no end. So anything with open world naval combat is out. I've heard Origins also has naval combat, but apparently it's more like III, where it's limited to specific missions and mostly optional, so that's how I prefer it, because in III it didn't bother me at all.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … III's naval combat was honestly the best naval combat
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I'll be honest, I barely remember the Naval combat in Rogue. I don't think it was that prevalent.
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    • Travis Green
      Travis Green
      Editing … I might give Rogue try next time I see it on sale, then, but I'm definitely nervous about playing it. I also think I'd struggle getting back to the typical AC melee combat after playing Origins, because I like the new system so much more, but if the story is really good, I guess it deserves a shot. So far, story is the one area where Origins is a bit lacking, though that may be because I've barely done any of the main story missions, despite playing for over 25 hours and being level 25 (with a level cap of 40.)
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I reckon you'd get a kick out of the storyline of Rogue given that you are a fan of III
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Alternative Names

Assassin's Creed Empire
Assassin's Creed Osiris

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Created 2016-01-05 11:19 am
Page creator Husky Wing
Views 912
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