Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.8 Great
Rated by 2 people
  • 2 years ago
    This game is Big Chungus levels of bloated.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I kinda can't believe I actually forced my way through Origins. Guess Odyssey's gonna feel the same.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … Valhalla is apparently longer than either. I'm never touching it.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I could take the added length if the content were more worthwhile. Origins was just grind city. Every quest was a grind.
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  • 3 years ago
    Hey, this isn't Super Mario Odyssey!
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  • 5 years ago
    thanks but I'm still gonna pirate the complete microtransaction-free edition once all the DLC's out
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  • 5 years ago
    The auto-save in this game sucks balls!
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  • 5 years ago
    So, putting aside the fact that the gaming media is terrible and absolutely too lazy as fuck to play the game properly, so as to complain and recommend XP microtransactions (leveling is balanced perfectly fine, in my experience) the game itself is easily the best I've played since III, but probably better than that. It may be my favorite in the series. It has improved combat over Origins, naval combat is both fun and can pretty much be done as much or as little as you like, exploration is very rewarding, and some of the best content in the game comes through sidequests you discover just by exploring (something those dimwitted gaming journalists are clearly too lazy and stupid to realize) and the story has been far more interesting than anything I've played in the series since III (though the modern day stuff has been pretty much nil so far, which is a bit disappointing.) I'll definitely try playing through the games I skipped in the apparent two year gap between this and the next game, but I really doubt any of them will be as good as this one.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Doesn't just seem to be the media, you're literally the only person outside of a couple naysayer articles who I've heard say the balancing's alright.
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    • Travis Green
      Travis Green
      Editing … No, most people I've seen who have actually played the game think it's fine. If anything, you level up too fast: I'm going to almost certainly hit the level cap before finishing the game, while still having tons of side content left. I honestly don't even understand how it's possible to think the leveling is too slow, because it certainly isn't, unless you literally do zero side content, in which case you probably shouldn't be playing an open world RPG in the first place.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Whatever the case, it won't affect me since I'll be pirating the game, and all the microtransactions will be cracked. I'm not paying for anything that also wants to be free to play.
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    • Travis Green
      Travis Green
      Editing … I'm almost certain Origins did the same thing, did it not? So I really don't get why it's suddenly a problem now, when it wasn't then. Either way, it seems to me a case of everyone assuming the balance is bad, just because the microtransactions exist, instead of playing the game and realizing it really isn't the case. I really don't get why they're in there (unless people really are as lazy as some of these gaming journalists seems to be and want levels handed to them like candy.) I've seen it compared to the Shadows of War debacle, but that actually did sound like a needless grind, locking an ending behind tedious crap, where in this game, you don't even have to do a fraction of the content in the game, and you're almost certainly going to level up enough to progress. I guess I just hate how misleading these journalists are, claiming you need the XP Boost to level quickly enough, when it's clearly just them being in too big of a rush to get new abilities, because I was getting to them at a fine enough pace, with no microtransactions needed, and as I said, if anything I think I'm leveling too fast. If they were to balance it so you effectively have the XP Boost without paying for it, like these morons are asking for, I'd probably hit the cap with over 60% of the map left unexplored, at least. That would be a total joke.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … It was a problem with Origins. That's why I'm not paying for it, I'm waiting for fitgirl to finish her repack of the final expansion ( ). I wouldn't put any of this on journos, nobody cares or respects gaming journalists enough to listen to them. From what I hear, the level requirements to progress through certain missions acts as unnatural padding in many players' experiences, forcing them to go through tedious side quests in the same way AC1 did.
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    • Travis Green
      Travis Green
      Editing … Well, I've been leveling so much, all story quests have had their level requirements go up several times over, due to scaling, just to keep up with me, so I'm clearly not having that problem. I guess what it comes down to is: If you plan on rushing the game, and playing like a linear action game, then, yeah, you're going to hit some road blocks. If you play it like an open world RPG, as it's designed to be, and even do just a few sidequests here and there, you should easily be able to keep up with the level requirements. And besides, many of the areas have their own big optional story arcs to go through, so I imagine just doing those and avoiding the more generic stuff, you would almost certainly be fine, because those tend to give the most XP, anyway.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Origins has xp micro-transactions? I completed it and never realised.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I'm just pirating it cuz $120 is a ridiculous asking price for a video game that's also trying to be free to play lmao I like these games but I ain't ever payin for one again
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … $120?
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … you're right, it's $100 now. Odyssey is currently $120. You know, for almost all of the game, not just a big chunk of it like $60 offers.
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  • 5 years ago
    Will I enjoy this game more when the online support's been disconnected, and the grinding's been patched out to accomodate the lack of microtransactions?
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … ALL games are more enjoyable when the online support's been disconnected
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Watch Dogs and AC Unity had fuckin sick multiplayer. But fuckin Burnout Paradise? goddamn what a fuckin holy fuck I had to tell the game to disconnect every few minutes, it refuses to just let me stay offline. It would randomly connect me to other players, completely interrupting whatever the fuck I was doing on my own, and even forced me into a private lobby between people who, upon my connection, were just as confused as I was. Anyway that's the story of why I hate the internet and am gonna live off the grid.
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    • Travis Green
      Travis Green
      Editing … the game doesn't really have grinding: That's just gaming journalists are trying to steer shit up, because they're both stupid and too lazy to actually play games. I'm level 19, and have barely touched the plot. Yes, I'm obsessed, but still, a normal player doing even a couple sidequests here and there shouldn't be closed to underlevelled, and so the whole XP Boost thing is completely unnecessary. Gaming journalists are morons, just trying to start something, where there's nothing.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I'm not sure I can believe you if you're saying there's "nothing" when this game blatantly has one of the worst microtransaction problems I've ever seen.
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    • Travis Green
      Travis Green
      Editing … The microtransactions are lame, and shouldn't be there but they're purely optional, and you can easily play the without even thinking about them and not having any issues. The thing that bothers me is these journalists claiming they deliberately slowed down your leveling just for the sake of forcing you to buy the XP Boost, but unless you blatantly rush the game, I don't see how you could possibly end of overlevelled. If anything, leveling is too fast, and I'm afraid I'll hit the cap well before finishing the game and doing all side content I feel like doing, just like in Origins. The game has a ton of issues for sure (in fact, I'm sitting around a 7.5/10 so far, just as with Origins) but it feels like the real issues aren't getting called out (conflicting elements, certain features feel pointless, especially conquest battles, level/stat scaling is messed up in relation to enemies, that if you aren't at least the same level as an enemy your're basically fucked, bounty hunters are damn annoying, etc.)
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  • 5 years ago
    Mmmm, I'm fully on board with this move towards Rpg. I role-play the shit out of these games already. ALL the player choice plz!
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I want to fuck more men in AC Odyssey than I fuck women in the original Witcher. That means I need at least one man an hour. This is Greece, and if I can't have sex with a bounty of partners then I will not be fully immersed.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I'm more interested in stabbing them with things other than my dick. Which I won't have, because I am playing as Kassandra.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … if you can even call that playing :cry:
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  • 5 years ago
    shut the fuck up
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  • 5 years ago
    Assassin's Creed Odyssey lets you be "as gay as you want" which is JUST WHAT I WANTED FUCK YEAH I LOVE GREECE
    My assassin ain't gonna lay HIS eyes on a SINGLE fuckin woman HELL YEAH gonna get me a piece of man-ass
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I didn't need romance and dialogue trees in my Assassin's Creed. An exciting and compelling story involving chaos versus order please.
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Game Info

Released Yes

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Created 2018-06-01 03:33 am
Page creator Husky Wing
Views 351
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