• 9 years ago
    Why was this cancelled? That game would have been interesting.
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    • Axersia
      Editing … Well, American McGee has always had a knack for canceling projects, and a lot of his games don't make it past the concept stages. Red Riding Hood is something I remember reading about on his personal blog in the mid 2000's. This woulda been during his time with Enlight Software, with whom he was responsible for Scrapland and Bad Day L.A., so perhaps he just couldn't secure funding. Of course, after he finished Bad Day L.A., he left and founded Spicy Horse in Shanghai, with whom he started work on Grimm for Gametap. I believe his original plan was to have Oz, Red and Grimm all be Alice-like games, and form the Twisted Tales series, but they all turned into something wildly different. Grimm was a fairly lighthearted platformer. Red Riding Hood resurfaced, but as Akaneiro: Demon Hunters, a free-to-play action RPG with a touch of feudal Japan. And Oz resurfaced as OZombie, a steampunk zombie action game. The latter got canceled almost immediately after it was announced, however. Supposedly he's now working on Alice Otherlands, a series of shortfilms set in the Alice universe, but given that he suffered massive losses on Akaneiro and had to lay off a bunch of staff, I don't expect it to ever see the light of day. (EDIT: It'd be nice if I could link to pages without half my post disappearing)
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Alternative Names

American McGee's Red

Game Info

Released Cancelled

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Created 2015-03-03 02:42 pm
Page creator Axersia
Views 393
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