Magnifying glass User Average Score

6.6 Good
Rated by 5 people
  • Dr Eggnog wrote his opinion about A Bug's Life
    10 years ago
    And to think there are people playing Mass Effect and Bioshock right now. They could be playing A Bugs Life! This is a very creative 3D platformer. The graphics look very fitting, and the music can be epic or fun. This game is for people who love 3D platformer gameplay, not just polish. The levels are complex, and it requires a lot of thought and effort to get everything. The system of using tokens to grow larger plants of various types that can be moved about is really interesting, and the game should have gotten more praise for it. Personally, I think it's a lot cooler than anything Crash Bandicoot or Jak and Daxter did.
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Game Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-08-10 04:20 pm
Page creator Dr Eggnog
Views 954
Listed in, list of Lists as cards
Wide-tile list of VG-level Pages.
Wide-tile list of character Pages.
Simple text.