• 8 years ago
    In a bid for "Biggest Gaming Screw-Up of the Year," Frontier Dev released a major update to the Xbox One version and said "We'll be playing online with the community tonight!" They get on and no one is there. They check Twitter and the forums and there's a flood of messages and posts about people not being able to log on. This went unchecked for over 14 hours. Turns out that when they updated the game, they separated the full game from the physics engine (which can be downloaded but not played by itself) and it appeared they were charging again for the full package. Why the hell they did this is a level of stupid beyond my reasoning. It turns out the game wasn't checking to see if the full version had been previously purchased, meanwhile people thought they were running a scam and started verbally abusing them. A couple of days later they patched it up and people were able to play again... sort of. I myself am having to play the Elite Dangerous Physics Engine which is mutated/linked into the full game. WHY did they separate the whole thing? It doesn't help anything. Previously it was all in one nice package, including the CQC (PvP) which is now a separate add-on called Arena. This update took up an extra 2GBs of space when almost nothing new was added. They may have mastered this on the PC, but I don't think the Xbox One team fully knows what they're doing.
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