• 8 years ago
    Just saw this movie.
    I sat in the back row, two seats away from someone else. A girl sat in the far corner, and two people occupied the next row. The other rows had plenty people, they don't matter.
    About halfway through the movie, my seat began to vibrate, and I realized the guy near me was kicking his seat. Upon closer inspection, he was having a seizure.
    Unluckily, I don't have a phone. Neither did the two people in front of me. The pretty girl did though.
    The movie was paused when the theater employees were informed of what was going on, and mall security came in to make sure everything was all right. The seizures calmed, and when they were over, he remembered none of what had happened.
    He went to the hospital. Everyone got free movie passes.

    I missed the scene where
    Spoilerthe car drove up to the bunker,
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