• 8 years ago
    I strongly dislike the Rebuild series but I care too much about Eva in general to just not watch them. Siiiiigh.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … SpoilerIt's frustrating enough that they had Third Impact happen as early as the end of the second movie, just for humanity to survive it, leaving the event with ZERO impact (pardon the pun)--like, in End of Evangelion, it came after 26 episodes of Shinji's internal and external struggles and tons of agonizing and back and forth, and it wiped humanity the fuck out. The ending there was disturbing, but that's because these characters meant something to us and seeing everything end that way, with humanity finally wiped out and Shinji and Asuka being the last two people left on a completely ravaged, eerily quiet Earth, it was UNSETTLING. Rebuild's approach is so damned anticlimactic in comparison. And if you've seen Eva and thought Shinji was insufferable before, just wait til you watch the Rebuild movies. I get so mad watching him make the same goddamn mistakes over and over, and not listening to the same one hundred million warnings he gets from various people who know way more about this shit with the Angels and the Eva than he does. And he NEVER. FUCKING. LEARNS. Nor does he take any responsibility. I get it, if I was an emotionally unstable 14-year-old and I caused a global cataclysm that almost wiped out humanity, I'd probably be in shock and denial too. But seeing people explain this shit to him so many times, and him still not getting it, it's repetitive and not the least bit fun or rewarding to watch. Also Mari (I think that's her name? pink plugsuit girl) seems to serve no purpose as one of Anno's new characters. Ummm... but at least the art and animation is pretty ???
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