• 8 years ago

    I think that I'm at my breaking point with this stupid MCU crap, not even the great Jimmy Spader can get me through this utterly mundane film that I could not give a fuck about - which I still have 30min of, but really don't think anything going to happen to make me do a complete 180 on my opinion. It's surprising to me that out of the many MCU films that I've sat and watch - the only one I haven't seen is Iron Man - I'm still not invested into anything that goes on in these movies - like fucking Christ I don't even know how that is possible. Maybe if I read the comic books 50x and jack off to each one then maybe I'd finally be able to give a fuck. Just, whatever.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I was starting to think I had the harshest opinion on this site. What would you rate it out of 10? (if you just finished the movie, then feel free to sleep on it)
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    • Not Important
      Not Important
      Editing … It is incredible how the MCU movie are able to be so absolutely devoid of any feeling. I don't know how they do it, it's like Whedon as a writer goes "How can I apply """""witty""""" banter XD" and then he just fills the rest with fighting. God.
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    • Ryan Thorp
      Ryan Thorp
      Editing … Yea it really is just 1) shitty, stupid joke 2) somewhat competent, yet utterly boring action cgi fest 3) repeat until everyone who is watching is dead inside. Also don't forget the absolute lake of a compelling villain, they haven been rather lackluster so far. As for finishing & giving a score it I wrote this just min before I had to go to work. So when I came home from work I was like "hell yeah gonna watch me some youtube or TNG" and then I see a browser open, click on the browser to see this. Like I'm really upset right now. But if I were to give a score it would be probably a 5. Because deep down I know that I've seen worse movies and this no way feels like a 4 or lower on how I rate things. But who knows, maybe the ending is one big shit show.
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    • Not Important
      Not Important
      Editing … Honest to God, this one was even worse than the last one. This one was a bit more competent than Avengers 1, but Jesus Christ how utterly boring. I've already seen this fifteen times in the last five years. Thanks a fucking bunch MCU, this is what I needed in my life. The best thing? I had to watch all these movie because I am a film critic in my local newspaper. I didn't even want to see them. At least they provided for good ideas in my film related column where I could trash the MCU.
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    • Ryan Thorp
      Ryan Thorp
      Editing … Man the banter in this is really shit. If I were to say one thing this does better then the first Avengers is that it doesn't feel as fucking long - that's about it really.
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    • Ryan Thorp
      Ryan Thorp
      Editing … Well I finished and I think I'm going to bump it down to a 4. The ending was not only incredibly anti-climatic, the "sympathetic" moments felt almost Adam Sandler level of "I cannot be fucking bothered to try". Incredibly lackluster. Also didn't bother to watch the stupid end credit crap - I never do because fuck that shit - so I guess that means I will not know what is going on in the next stupid installment - oh well.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … "fucking Christ", "the banter in this is really shit", "I cannot be fucking bothered" "fuck that shit" I have one thing to say to all that: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/11235913_1381318965501016_262663068_n.jpg
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    • Ryan Thorp
      Ryan Thorp
      Editing … Fuckity fuck fuck is what I have to say to that.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … With a talent for repartee like that I can see why you feel you're in a position to criticise Joss Whedon for a lack of wit. All the same though: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-yAz4VmFC9LI/Vj39qNX1X_I/AAAAAAAAi9E/y_KPrtMkqsM/w500-h250/IMG_0268.GIF
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    • Ryan Thorp
      Ryan Thorp
      Editing … Didn't realize that my nonsensical, rather childish & silly, response would be taken so seriously. Still think the banter is bad. Just because I didn't care to be super serious/respectful when I originally made that claim shouldn't take away from what I was getting at - i.e that the banter isn't good/enjoyable. So to clear the air a bit here are some straightforward reasons why I think that. 1) It feels incredibly forced for comedic effect. And more times then naught it falls flat on its face trying to do it. 2) Because I feel that it's force, I also feel it to be incredibly cringe worthy to watch in motion. What is being said doesn't in any way feel natural at all. 3) I found that most of the time the banter was incredibly juvenile as it clearly was aiming for a demographic that I'm clearly not in. Now I would give some examples but tbh it has been roughly three weeks since I've seen this film and have since purged it from my memory. But you've provided some images that has sparked my memory so I'll use that. Okay so that whole running joke was bad and not remotely funny to me. It felt forced for comedic effect, it was cringe worthy, and felt incredibly juvenile to me. Didn't enjoy it one bit and found it to be rather nonsensical in the grand scheme of things. Didn't provide much character building and/or bonding I just couldn't see the point of it being there other then for a cheep laugh. And that's really all I have to say about that.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Oh, I was just taking the chance to make the language joke because I find it funny. I wasn't taking you too seriously. If you don't like the MCU that's fine, I still do, each to their own. I was kind of hoping you'd curse one more time so I could use this one: https://media.giphy.com/media/xTiTnpLIHWS15Kfd3a/giphy.gif
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    • Ryan Thorp
      Ryan Thorp
      Editing … That's what I thought when you posted the image response. When I later saw what you edited in I assumed that I need to clarify my position. TBH I should of anyways, most of what I said was mostly rambling/cussing and didn't do a good job at conveying what I was trying to say at all.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … The with repartee like that quip? Guess you don't like my witty banter either :p Anyway, Age of Ultron's a 7/10 for me, it's enjoyable but I'm not going to get butthurt if someone doesn't like it. The first Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Winter Soldier and Daredevil are the high points of the MCU for me.
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