• 8 years ago
    So I've decided that my adventure through the theatrical side of Star Wars will be done weekly. And again there isn't all that much new I can added to the discussion of why Empire is the best Star Wars movie, oh yeah I guess I can elaborate on that. It might be a bit premature for me to say such a thing but it's not like this is my first time going through this movies. Throughout my childhood I've seen the originals many a times and I basically, for better or worse, grew up with the prequel trilogy so it's not like I don't remember those well at all (obviously not just as well). When I went into Empire I believed that it was going to be my favorite and after it all ended I can see why I believed that. Remember all the great things I said about A New Hope? Well Empire is that but better. Empire improved on everything imaginable. The characters are better as Empire's narrative begins to drift away from it's predecessor's origin story, allowing for better focus on the central characters. The narrative is vastly improved for the very reason I stated previously as it allows for Empire to better develop the central story of the trilogy (also I'd say it's the most important part of the story). And what I'd say is the greatest improvement is the effects. No doubt due to the success of its predecessor, Empire probably had a sizable budget and it shows throughout the movie. Every looks just incredible in Empire and it does an even better job of inspiring wonder & awe; and really that is what Star Wars is all about to me, just how much wonder & awe can it inspire in me. As far as I'm concerned Empire does this the best and that is simply why I believe it's the best Star Wars movie.

    Also, as a note, there is something else that I believe Empire does really well but I plan not to mention it until I finish the prequel's off as I'm not 100% confident I can say it w/o seeing the prequels first (also if I still believe it to be true I'll use it as a good bit of criticism against the prequels as a whole).
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … Ypu sure used a lot of words to say very little here. Coincidentally I also watched Empire earlier today.... It was rad
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    • Ryan Thorp
      Ryan Thorp
      Editing … Yea I'm pretty good at rambling and restating the same thing many times over. Its a problem I have, I'll probably should trim this down but I'm also lazy so idk.
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