• 8 years ago
    « Even with the release of an official timeline, it is still possible that this official order will change in the future. Many times in the past, the creators of the series have dropped hints as to the order of the series or confirmed certain connections, yet many of these "revelations" have been overridden by newer materials, games, and statements, much to the point that the overall timeline was considered relatively unimportant by the creators. »

    « Unlike the "Child Timeline", which was created when Link was sent back in time and changed the course of history, this newly announced third timeline is not created by any events in Ocarina of Time, and appears to be an alternate scenario of what would have happened had Link died during the course of the game […] »

    And then they put a series of actual games in that timeline branch:

    This just can't be!

    A timeline is a fix, chronological order of unchangeable events. There can be timeline complexity, with branches and alternate parallel timelines but each of them has the same valid existance. It is a list of things that all happened with 1oo% certainty (or will happen, depending on your position within the timeline). It doesn't depend on the outcome of certain events. It doesn't depend on Link defeating Ganon or not in OoT. As if that single moment between this two individuals could have the power to split the universe in two. If that were the case, then there'd be an *infinite* amount of timelines, since every person in the world can affect the world by making choices and living their lives. Like, no matter what I do, I will land in Timeline A or Timeline B depending on how well Link fares in some battle I don't give a shit about, on some faraway continent.

    They're mixing up chronologies and timelines with what-ifs and alternate histories. Get your definitions straight, Nintendo.

    At this point, the series developers should consider creating a brand new IP if they consider every narrative element in it to be flexible.

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