• 8 years ago
    How was the overall reception of episode 1 and 2 back in the early 2000s, did everyone agree on their awfulness even back then or were people too caught up in the moment of "oh mah good, a new sw movie!!1" to realize their flaws or god forbid, actually enjoyed watching them for real? I only remember being extremely hyped for episode 3 a decade ago and anticipating watching the movie in the cinema, it was glorious. It never even occurred to me once that these prequels were critically ill-received by a majority of the movie-going population, many of whom are avid fans of the OT. Ask any 90s kid who grew up with the prequel trilogy, chances are they love em.
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … Jar jar binks received a lot of backlash in the media and articles, this I remember. So I can safely say that the movie was not received all that well. Also I recently saw a Roger Ebert clip from that year "worst movies of the year" and Phantom Menace was one of the clips shown in the intro to the segment, although not necessarily one of the movies chosen.
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    • Sir Larosenin
      Sir Larosenin
      Editing … Most fan that grew up with the OT were disappointed and most critics weren't good. But I personally loved them until about 4-5 years ago when I realised how bad they messed up. There's a lot of good stuff coming from the prelogy (politics, awesome jedi battles, music, some locations, etc. But sadly half the characters are bad, the dialogs are bland or awful (the love scene in ep2).
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    • free fall
      free fall
      Editing … It was a mixed bag but most people thought Episode I was okay. Nobody wanted to be disappointed by it, it was the most hyped movie I've ever witnessed in my lifetime. Everybody agreed that it wasn't as good as the OT unless they were really dazzled by the special effects. rockshard is right, everyone hated Jar Jar even back then. By the time episode 2 came out the reputation that episode 1 has today had been firmly established, and everyone hated 2 as well.
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    • Big Boss
      Big Boss
      Editing … That's sounds about right. Pretty much everyone hated Jar Jar immediately, and wasn't quite what people were hoping for, but took a little while (until the video release perhaps) for most people to agree it pretty much sucks. Episode 2 having many of the same problems solidified it.
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    • rockshard PhD
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