• 8 years ago
    I've been away from the internet for a few days and I just skimmed through the statuses on favslist today and I see this? At first I thought it was a bad joke, a new meme or something, but it really is true. Iwata has actually passed away... Damn... I really thought he beat the disease a few months back. He was still too young... A damn shame...

    Even though I think he made a fair deal of strange, to say the least, decisions while running Nintendo (even when those decisions payed off in a big way for the company), he was a brave man to go through with his decisions and he was and will remain a legend of the gaming industry. He has my respect.

    My condolences go out to his family, friends and fans alike.

    May you rest in peace Iwata-san and may your creativity continue to run wild up there!
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