• benace75 wrote his opinion about Call of Duty: Black Ops
    9 years ago
    Call of Duty: Black Ops is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. I'm not really into shooters but I did put a ton of hours into the game playing with my friends who are fans of the series and I have to say, this is the best of them all in my opinion. I don't know if it's due simply to the fact that I've always been interested in the Cold War era and I find Russian spies and the arms race and space race more fascinating than the Middle Eastern terrorist conflicts that have become the norm of the genre. Black Ops was also a huge leap for the series in terms of multiplayer with the introduction on Combat Training (a mode that allows you to go against AI bots and not have to face screaming ten year-olds that are much better at the game then they should be), Theater Mode (which lets you look back at your best moments and show your friends), Emblem Editing (to show off your creativity and to personalize your soldier),
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    • benace75
      Editing … ... COD Points (which streamlined the process of leveling up and allowed you to purchase the equipment you wanted to save a lot of time and stress), Wager Matches (which are a ton of fun to mess around with friends), and Special Weapons (which gave more diversity to the typical weapons that you have come to expect from the series and added to player enjoyment). I must also mention that the maps were some of the best in the series (Nuketown, Summit, Firing Range, Radiation, Array, and so many others) and the expanded Zombies mode was absolutely ridiculous and a blast to play with your buddies. Overall, I'd say that this game took lots of risks and added enough to the COD formula to make things interesting, which is something that can't be said with the most recent installments in the series.
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    • MasterCrash
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … Master Crash gave me a tee hee.
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