• 9 years ago
    I've been thinking about this list and I'm still not completely sure on how to tackle it. I've basically been treating it as "Funniest TV Shows" but is it actually supposed to be "Favourite TV shows that are primarily comedy"?

    The reason I ask is because there are TV shows that are certainly very funny / should have the comedy genre tag but comedy is by no means the main focus of the show. (#Stargate SG-1 for example is very funny and often has entire sections just dedicated to getting a laugh but that is not what the show is about as a whole.)

    What is the actual goal for this one / do you think we would benefit from limiting the list to only TV shows with a comedy genre as the 'primary' genre? @Pape Badiane
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    • Papissama
      Editing … If the show has "strong" elements of comedy, it should be eligible.
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    • Doubleagent
      Editing … That seems a little vague, people could have entirely different interpretations of what a "strong" element of comedy is. I'm going to take that as 'If one of the main reasons I enjoy the show is because it is funny.'
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    • Papissama
      Editing … In this case, let's just limit it to the main genre to keep things clear. That way we might have a list that says "Funniest Episodes" where we can label "comedy" to each episode. What about this?
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    • Doubleagent
      Editing … Well if it was actually called "Funniest" that would be entirely subjective so you wouldn't need a tag. My idea of a perfect solution would be to list categories in order of importance and split TV Show genre categories into Primary and Secondary. So using SG1 as an example again it would be a Sci-Fi Action-Adventure | Drama Comedy. (With Sci-Fi being the most important genre followed by action etc etc and everything after the | being a 'secondary genre'.) That way you could differentiate between something like #Red Dwarf where Sci-Fi and Comedy are both really important/primary centre-stage themes, SG1 where comedy and light-heartedness is important but it's secondary to overall tone and #Battlestar Galactica (2003 series) where everything is serious as shit nearly all the time. If you were going to do something like that we would need a better way of reorganising the genres, you can't move them around like you can on the page categories screen. I don't think you necessarily need to genre up the episodes of a show but I'm all in favour of being able to add much more information.
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