• MasterCrash wrote his opinion about Suspiria
    9 years ago
    With the first two opening deaths in this movie I left myself wondering if this was one of those "So bad it's good" kinda movies and nobody had told me. And that was a confusion that followed me throughout the entire movie.
    The horror scenes themselves are quite silly by themselves, but the rest of the movie isn't. It plays as a serious paranormal thriller and, for the most part it works, but it's ruined by the occasional silly scene. I struggled to find why this is highly regarded as a timeless classic, and the reason most people seem to have is... the atmosphere.
    Well... Yeah, I guess? I mean, I liked the atmosphere and the shots and all that, but I didn't think it was enough to give this movie that high of a note.

    Also, soundtrack, cudos to you, you're incredibly subtle... www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVAhW4ToLFI
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