• 9 years ago
    I remember being so hyped when I found out that this movie was finally being made, which was shortly followed by what felt like a gut punch when I found out that Paul W. S. Anderson was attached to direct. However, I still had small fanboy hopes that it might be okay, and then I found out at the last minute that it would be a PG-13 movie.

    It is certainly an odd feeling to wait in line for a movie you're almost certain to not like, but I couldn't help myself. I had to see it. I have come to know Paul W. S. Anderson as "The Franchise Killer". If there's a property that a studio wants to punt into a black hole, they get this guy to direct. That the Resident Evil movies keep doing modestly well must be an accident.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Shocker, there are people that have this on their list of favorite movies. I have no faith in humanity.
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    • Splatterhouse 5
      Splatterhouse 5
      Editing … Hehe...There are admittedly a lot of dumb movies that I like. It's just strange that anyone can make a movie with Aliens, Predators, and armed soldiers fighting each other anything less than awesome. This is something that I would have loved to have seen Robert Rodriguez (well, at the time anyway) flex his muscles with.
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