• Sha Ember wrote his opinion about Onani Master Kurosawa
    9 years ago
    @Master Crash, Onani Master Kurosawa is a strange manga because I first felt disgusted, with both the plot and the art style, and in the middle of the third volume and the fourth, I was captivated. The only thing in the beginning of the manga who can provide the reader a desire to continue further is a need for understanding, nothing more. The protagonist is a pervert, his class is a mess, and the secondary characters aren't interesting until the third and fourth volume. I can understand the need for the author to represent the bad choices we all take during childhood and adolescence, but in my opinion, he goes too far and there's no need. I would have noted 5 or less with the first two volumes, but it went up to at least 2 points more with the last two because the author brilliantly corrected his wreckage.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … I admit that the first couple chapters aren't that good, and again, if you had told me a bit more about your tastes, I wouldn't definitely have chosen another manga. The entirety of the manga is about maturing, so I excuse and understand the first couple chapters. I honestly found them more fun than disgusting to be honest. I laughed my ass out with the "Buckets of cum" koma. But then the manga turns into a much more serious story and it works. It's dark, it's disgusting as you said, it's heartbreaking, but you know what? I found it to be one of the most emotionally correct depictions of being a teenager and trying to grow up. Honestly I find the need to be that extreme in the first chapters just to see if you can forgive Kurosawa. I could, and you apparently couldn't. But that's alright, that's the risk this manga takes.
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    • Sha Ember
      Sha Ember
      Editing … Don't get me wrong Crash, I would have forgive Kurosawa, but what I said is that he has no reasons to do what he does in the first two volumes, he only did it because he had a compulsive disorder of some sort I suppose. You're both right and wrong, the last two volumes are emotionally correct, the first two aren't, and are far from what I would call emotionally correct because he has no remorse until he falls in love! The character is a blank page until the moment he discovers remorse, and the characters around him are plain because he describes them as worthless and uninteresting. He doesn't grow up until he discovers his human side, and I wouldn't have apologized to someone who doesn't feel remorse. When I read the first two volumes, I read a blank page, until the third and the fourth volumes where Kurosawa shed light on what he did and what he has to do to forgive his own past and for the others to forgive him. It was a little fast, but it was interesting because it is, in my opinion, a parallel with the author: he wrote two bad volumes, and instead of erasing, he continued with the consequences and got out of a jam. I noted 7.0, I don't think it's a bad note, is it? :/
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … No, 7 is not a bad note. I can understand your opinion. But a lot of people just turn good because something happens. Sometimes it's fallen in love. Not everyone is born a good person.
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    • Sha Ember
      Sha Ember
      Editing … And I understand yours. Emotionally, something is whether broken or missing in Kurosawa, and if we knew why, if there was a reason of some sort, my note would have better. I would have liked to understand this sudden change without an "almost-romance" situation but with a more complex story. In my opinion, this is the society, the family and everything around us that can establish the good from the bad, it's not a question of birth, that's why I would've liked to see more of this big unanswered "Why?".
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