• 10 years ago
    It's more than a little ironic, really, to see that the very best storytelling the video game medium has to offer is within a niche franchise that didn't even leave Japan until after its first trilogy was completed. Trials and Tribulations is the finest example of video game narrative I've ever witnessed. Each of its five cases all ride on a consistent theme that brings everything to a climactic and brilliant conclusion. The way the overarching narrative is slowly revealed through each case chronologically is magnificently spun, giving a clue as to what the real truth behind everything is. Plus, being able to play as Mia Fey AND Miles Edgeworth (long before the forgettable Ace Attorney Investigations) does change things up a bit. As for Phoenix, he actually received not just a powerful backstory, but also a really well-structured romance. And, of course, Godot, the proverb-aplenty prosecutor who's become a fan favorite. Trials and Tribulations is the finest video game story ever told.
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